Wednesday 25 April 2018

Virtual assistant make our life easy


We live today in technical world and daily interact  with gadget . They make our life easy. Today we shall talk about different  and popular virtual assistant .That run on different platform. I hope you like it.

1.Google voice assistance:It was developed by google and it run on mobile ,android wear,android tv and smart home device like washing machine,cooler ,micro web  oven . by giving voice command we can manage this type of gadget. it was release in 2016 .now it is growing  fast . Image result for google voice assistant siri: It was developed by apple inc.and it run only apple devices like iphone ,imac,ipod,apple watch,homepod and apple tv. It was first release in 2011 and it became very popular .
Image result for siri

3. Microsoft cortana: To see the great competition in I.T. sector why Microsoft be
 back. then finally It release it's virtual assistance and first we saw it in windows smart phone.
and now it run on windows mobile,windows 10 based computer,android and many other devices.


4.Amazon alexa: it was a virtual assistance that  developed by amazon inc(the great e eCommerce  website).it was first used in amazon echo and amazon echo smart dot speaker  t is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audio books, and providing weather, traffic, and other real-time information.
Amazon Alexa Logo.png


Anonymous said...

Suggested more

Unknown said...

😊😊😊 what is life

Anonymous said...

Life is a concept that we invented. On the most fundamental level, all matter that exists is an arrangement of atoms and their constituent particles.

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